Saturday, January 25, 2020

Human Resource Planning Strategies, Recruitment And Procedures

Human Resource Planning Strategies, Recruitment And Procedures INTRODUCTION According to Bulla and Scott human resource planning is the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements. It determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals. Human resource planning is generally concerned with businesses of longer terms but sometimes it also addresses businesses of short terms as well. In order to improve organizational effectiveness, it looks at the broader issues how people are employed and developed. Human resource planning is an integral part business planning. In this assignment, firstly I will explore that how HR plan supports organizations strategic objectives. Then I will discuss the legal requirements which influence HR planning. In next part, recruitment and selection of new staff is explained in detail and with it the effect of organizational culture on recruitment and retention of staff is described. In last part, human resource management procedures are discussed which are grievance, discipline and dismissal procedures. The strategic planning process projects to changes in the type of activities carried out by the organization. In order to achieve the goals, resource and skill requirements it identifies the core competencies the organization needs. Quinn Mills says that human resource planning is a decision making process and consist of three steps: Identify appropriate number of people with right skills Motivate these people to achieve high performance Create links between business objectives and people planning activities. Human resource planning consists of four steps To forecast future needs To analyse the availability and supply of people To draw up plans To monitor how plans are implemented A strategy is a plan of a company which shows that how it matches its internal strengths and weaknesses to external threats and opportunities. CHALLENGES TO STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE Human resource management priorities are focusing on boosting competitiveness, reducing costs and improving employee performance. COMPANYS BASIC STRATEGIES CORPORATE STRATEGY Corporate strategy is portfolio of businesses that comprise the company and the ways by which these are related to each other. It consists of Diversification strategy identifies the expansion of a company by adding new products Vertical integration strategy shows the expansion of a company by producing its raw materials or selling its products Consolidation reduces the size of a company Geographic expansion takes the business abroad COMPETITIVE STRATEGY Competitive strategy strengthens the long term position of the companys business in the marketplace. Managers use different corporate strategies to achieve corporate advantage. COST LEADERSHIP aims to make the company a low cost leader in industry. DIFFERENTIATION COMPETITIVE STRATEGY is a strategy in which a company wants to be unique in the industry FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY It is a basic course of action that each department of business pursue to achieve its competitive goals. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In planning and achievement of any organization, human resource management plays a bigger role in the success. Strategic human resource management formulates and executes HR systems and HR policies. HR ROLE IN THE FORMULATION OF STRATEGY A strategic plan identifies, analyze, and balance the companys internal strengths and weaknesses and external threats and opportunities. Human resource planning process takes place within the context of labour market. According to Elliott (1991): The market for labour is an abstraction; it is an analytical construction used to describe the context within which the buyers and sellers of labour come together to determine the pricing and allocation of labour services. The internal labour market consists of labour within the company. It is a main source of future labour requirements by introducing the policies like training, development, and career planning and management succession. The external labour market consists of regional, local, national and international labour markets. In order to find the right people for the right job, it is necessary to consider that which of these labour markets are the best source. Both the sources are extensively used depending on the size of the company, the rate of growth and decline and the policies of employee resourcing. The firm much relies on internal market and believes in long term careers of the staff through training sessions or apprenticeship. The aims of human resource planning are as follows: The skillful and competent people are obtained and retained Makes the best use of human resource planning To overcome the problems like deficit of people or potential surplus To develop a trained workforce Reduce to rely on external recruitment Human resource planning consist of four steps Forecast future needs Analyze the supply and availability of people Make plans to match supply to demand Monitor the implementation of plan For future demands, human resource planning concentrates on skills and competencies which indicate the numbers required in longer term. Its main aim is to produce policies like training, retention and utilization of human resources and development. Human resource planning addresses the following questions: How many people will be needed? What competencies and skills are required for future? Is training or development needed further? Is there is a need for recruitment? When will there is a need for new people? When will the training and recruitment start? How to tackle the situation of reducing cut costs? How can the flexibility be achieved on the use of people? FORMULATION OF BUSINESS STRATEGY HR strategy contributes to the formulation of business strategy which identifies to make the best use of existing human resources. IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES It consists of; Development strategies are the needs to increase skills to fit people for greater responsibility. It also defines the outputs required from training programmes. Retention strategies indicate the intentions of the company to get the right people Utilization strategies describe how the organization intends to improve productivity and cost Flexibilities strategies define the companys strategies in developing flexible work arrangements Downsizing strategies are the needs to be done by the organization to reduce the numbers employed. FORMULATION OF HR STRATEGIES Formulation of strategies addresses a number of questions Where are we now? Where do we want to be in the future? How are we going to get there? Resourcing strategies are converted to business strategies by depending on the following plans SCENARIO PLAN conducts an environmental scan on the issues which affect the labour market. This is possibly based on PEST approach. DEMAND FORECASTING estimates the future needs of the people. Its base is long term business plan and annual budget. For the companys plans, details are required which results in increased or decreased demands of employees. The introduction of new technology would also have to be considered in order to bring changes to working methods or procedures. There are four methods of demand forecasting MANAGERIAL JUDGEMENT This method requires managers to sit together and think about the future pressure and workload. The managers have to decide that how many people they need. Line managers and senior managers are involved in this agreement. Top management prepares company and department forecasts and these forecasts are reviewed and agreed with department managers. All the guidelines should be prepared for departmental managers indicating the future activities which will effect their department. With the help of these guidelines, departmental managers prepare their forecast to a laid- down format. They can seek help from personnel department. The personnel department prepares a human forecast of the company. Human resource planning committee then reviewed these two forecasts and reconciles with the department managers about these two forecasts and submits a final amended forecast to top management for approval. RATIO TREND ANALYSIS It is a study of past ratios between direct and indirect workers. In this way, future ratios are forecasted and made some allowances for changes in the company. WORK STUDY TECHNIQUES Work study techniques are used in work measurements to calculate long operations and the requirement of people for those operations. The production budget of any manufacturing company is prepared in volumes of sealable products or in volumes of output for individual departments. The productive hours are then compiled by the use of standard hours. The standard hours per unit of output are multiplied by the planning volume of units to be produced to give the total planned hours. This is divided by the number of actual working hours for an individual operator. MODELLING Technique like computers and spreadsheet can help in demand and supply forecast. FORECASTING COMPETENCE AND SKILL REQUIREMENT This shows an impact of projected, product market developments and the introduction of new technology. SUPPLY FORECASTING estimate the supply of manpower by reference to analyses of current resources and future availability. Supply forecasting consists of number of people from inside or outside of the organization. It covers Existing human resources Losses to existing human resources through employee wastage Changes to existing human resources through internal promotions The effect of changing conditions and absenteeism of work Sources of supply from inside or outside the organization FORECASTING REQUIREMENTS analyse the demand and supply forecasts to identify future deficits with the help of models. DEMAND AND SUPPLY FORECASTING MODELS Models help to make decisions and make the decision makers to understand the situation in which these decisions are made. These modelling techniques help to prepare human resource forecast. It also helps to understand the career evaluation and predict and measure wastage for setting and operating models, data is required which is as follows: Human resource system- gives a description of the people who enter or exit of the organization and their progress at different levels. Stocks the number of people employed in each grade. They are analysed in age or length of service Flows- recruits, leavers and promotion flows are analysed by age or length of service Assumptions- assumptions are made for future behaviour of the system and in this way the implications of different outcomes can be evaluated. Career analysis- a career prospectus is made to build up analysing data on promotions. This links the data to information on the database about the potential of current employees. FLEXIBILITY It aims to achieve increased organizational effectiveness. It has following forms CONTRACT BASED FLEXIBILITY is an employee contract which shows the flexibility of terms and conditions. The overall purpose of the job descriptions is written in terms. This flexibility can be achieved by employing contract workers to work on any task according to their skills. TIME BASED FLEXIBILITY is achieved by the flexible hours. JOB BASED FLEXIBILITY is a functional flexibility in which workers can move from task to task according to their skills. Companies make the fullest use of flexibility in order to make the fullest use of their workforce. Functional flexibility is also associated with pay schemes and ensures that all staff is treated equally in terms of benefits. SKILL BASED FLEXIBILITY is a range of staff to perform different tasks to exercise greater responsibility. it is based on the competencies and the utilization of the capabilities of the workers. ORGANIZATION BASED flexibility makes use of contract workers and part time and temporary staff. PRODUCTIVITY AND COST ANALYSIS analyse the productivity and costs to identify the need for improvement. An increase in activity level can improve the productivity and recruits more employees. In order to reduce costs, a company looks at productivity and employment costs. The input of employees gives an output of goods and services as productivity. Employment costs consist of pay, employee benefits, national insurance contributions, recruitment costs, training costs, leaving costs including redundancy payments, loss of production, replacement and training, the cost of health and safety and personnel administration costs. ACTION PLANNING Action planning is derived from the resourcing strategies and are made in the following areas OVERALL PLAN The overall human resource plan Improves methods in sorting out young people for recruitment Links with schools and colleges to create interest of the young people Attracts young people by developing programmes and training sessions Widens to recruit woman and part time workers Arrange working hours for new employees Provide benefit packages Provide training programmes for the new employees and make better use of their skills and talents HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The human resource development plan shows The number of existing staff who needs training The number of trainees required and the programmes for recruiting and training them New learning programmes or the changes to the existing courses THE RECRUITMENT PLAN The recruitment plan set out The need of the numbers and types of people required to make up any deficits To attract candidates by training and development programmes, pay and benefit packages, working hours arrangement, child care facilities etc The dealing of the problems in the supply of the recruits by the recruitment programme THE RETENTION PLAN The retention plan is based on the analysis of why people leave. It addresses the following areas PAY This problem arises due to unfair and uncompetitive systems. Actions to be taken are Review pay levels on the basis of market surveys Review pay schemes so that everyone is treated equally Make sure that employees understand the relation between performance and reward JOBS They should be designed in such a way which can increase skill variety and provide opportunities for learning and growth. PERFORMANCE If the employees are not clear of their responsibilities or performance then they can be demotivated. Related to performance, following actions can be taken Encourage managers to praise the staff for their performance by giving them a healthy and informative feedback. Train managers in counselling; give briefing on performance management system and get a feedback on how it has been applied TRAINING If the people are not trained then this can create an increase in resignations. Training and learning programmes should be introduced to employees before joining the organization. Training programmes give employees the confidence and make them more competent in their performance. In this way they can make better use of their abilities and can do variety of tasks and enhance their skills and competencies. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Promotion prospectus and career prospectus in many of the organizations is limited which make most of the employees to turnover. To have a stable workforce, employers need planning in providing career opportunities by Developing promotion procedures Giving advice on career prospectus Encourage promotion from within COMMITMENT Commitment can be increased by explaining the mission and strategies of the company. Communication with employees is very important especially face to face communication. This also seeks the views of other people at work. CONFLICT WITH MANAGES AND SUPERVISORS This is another reason of turnover. This should be solved by Selecting those managers who are qualified and with well developed leadership Giving them training in resolving conflicts and dealing with grievances Recruitment and selection Poor selection results in rapid turnover. Selection of the employees should match with their capabilities. THE FLEXIBILITY PLAN The aim of the flexibility plan is utilize all the skills and capabilities of employers. It also reduces the employment cost and increase productivity. The flexibility plan consist of ALTERNATIVES TO FULL TIME PERMANENT STAFF The core of permanent full time staff consist of managers and team leaders who are needed to run the teams of core also include professional staff such as personnel which provides high level professional advice and services. Knowledge workers, technicians and highly skilled workers is also a part of team. The next step is the right use of the temporary workers, part-time workers and subcontracting workers. FLEXIBLE HOUR ARRANGEMENT This is also included in flexibility plan. Flexible hours can be arranged in the following ways: FLEXIBLE DAILY HOURS is a day to day pattern according to work loads FLEXIBLE WEEKLY HOURS are the weekly hours which are done at the peak time of the year COMPRESSED WORKING WEEKS is a pattern where employees work less than five days OVERTIME To reduce the overtime costs, flexibility plan offers flexible hours, new shift arrangements and overtime limitations. ARRANGEMENT OF SHIFT WORKING This reduces the overtime and is modified to meet demand requirements. THE PRODUCTIVITY PLAN This plan increase productivity and reduce employment costs by improving the methods like automation, mechanization and computerization. THE DOWNSIZING PLAN This plan sets out Arrangement for consulting with employees and their trade unions Forecast of the number of losses that can be taken up by natural wastage Forecast of the number who want to leave voluntarily Redundancy terms Arrangements by telling individual employees about the redundancies and keeping the trade unions informed CONTROL In spite of including budgets and targets, human resource plan also clarifies the implementation and control. This reports on the numbers employed against establishment and on the numbers recruited against the recruitment targets. Against budget, it also report employment costs and trends in wastage and employment ratios. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF NEW STAFF The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process is to obtain the number and quality required at a minimum cost in order to satisfy the companys human resource requirements. The recruitment and selection process is a series of three steps: Define requirements Decide terms and conditions of employment, prepare job descriptions and specifications Attract candidates Review and evaluate by building a pool of candidates for the jobs by recruiting internal and external candidates, advertisement, use agencies and consultants Select candidates By interviewing, testing, assessing, assessment centres, offering employment, asking references, and preparing employment contracts DEFINE REQUIREMENTS In recruitment programme, the number of people required should be specified which is derived from the human resource plan. In addition, there will be demands for new jobs to be filled and these should be checked for justification. It is necessary to check the type of employee required for a specific job. For assessing candidates, this information provides a basic introduction required to agencies or recruitment consultants. A candidates profile, educational background, experience and skills produce criteria for a suitable job and is assessed by interviewing or by means of psychological tests. JOB DESCRIPTION A job description sets the overall objective of the job, basic details of the job, main activities and any other special requirements. For the purpose of recruitment, the information can only be provided on the arrangement for training and career opportunities. Pay, benefits, mobility and travelling are included in terms and conditions. PERSONNEL SPECIFICATIONS It is also known as recruitment, person specification or job specification. It requires educational background, qualification, experience, skills, competencies and training from the candidate. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND OR QUALIFICATION- academic or technical qualification is required EXPERIENCE- achievements or merits obtained COMPETENCIES- it consist of any special skills achieved such as numeracy TRAINING- any special training that a candidate has taken SPECIFIC DEMANDS- a candidate is expected to develop new markets, productivity, best customer services and sales and introduce new techniques and systems ORGANIZATIONAL FIT- the candidate is expected to work within the corporate culture SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS- mobility, unsocial hours and travelling The most familiar classification scheme introduced by Rodger (1952) and is known as THE SEVEN POINT PLAN The seven point plan consists of PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- physique, health, appearance and speech ATTAINMENTS- education, qualification, experience GENERAL INTELLIGENCE- intellectual quality SPECIAL APTITUDES- mechanical, manual dexterity INTERESTS- intellectual, practical, physically active, social, artistic DISPOSITION- influential, power of acceptance, steadiness, dependable, self reliance CIRCUMSTANCES- domestic circumstances, occupations of family Another classification system is produced by Munro- Fraser and is known as THE FIVEFOLD GRADING SYSTEM The fivefold grading system covers IMPACT ON OTHERS- appearance, make-up, speech, manner ACQUIRED QUALIFICATION- education, vocational training, experience INNATE ABILITIES- aptitude for learning, natural quickness of comprehension MOTIVATION- goals set up by an individual and determination to follow them and success in achieving them ADJUSTMENT- emotional stability Both systems are proved to be good for interviewing but seven point plan is more stable and has a longer pedigree. COMPETENCY BASED APPROACH During selection process, competency based approach is used as a framework for a particular role. According to Roberts (1997) The benefit of taking a competencies approach is that people can identify and isolate the key characteristics which would be used as the basis for selection, and that those characteristics will be described in terms which both can understand and agreeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..The competencies therefore become a fundamental part of a selection process. According to Wood and Payne (1998), the advantages of competency based approach are; It increases the accuracy of prediction about stability It facilitates a closer match between the persons attributes and the demands of the job It helps to prevent interviewers making snap adjustments It can underpin the whole range of recruitment techniques- application forms,, interviews, tests and assessment centres ATTRACTING CANDIDATES It is a matter to identify, evaluate and use the most appropriate sources of applicants. If difficulties occur in attracting candidates then being an employer there should be a proper study at the strengths and weaknesses of the company. ANALYSIS OF RECRUITMENT STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES It covers the matters like pay, employee benefits, working conditions, security of employment, educational and training opportunities, career prospectus and the reputation of an organization. The aim of an organization is to build a better image by use of advertisements, brochures or interviews. SOURCES OF CANDIDATES To fill the anticipated openings, if there are no qualified candidates inside then the outside candidates are given more consideration. This may require forecasting general economic, local market and occupational market conditions. To forecast general economic conditions is the expected prevailing rate of unemployment. Lower rate of unemployment lowers the labour supply and then its more difficult to recruit personnel Local labour market conditions are also important. Finally, the forecasting of candidates for jobs in specific occupations is to be recruited. Once a position is filled, the next step is to develop an applicant pool either from internal or external sources. Recruitment efforts are for the welfare of the strategic plans of the company. Some recruiting methods are superior to others, depending what your sources are and who a company is recruiting. If no candidates are available within an organization then the main sources of candidates are ADVERTISING Advertising is a best source to attract candidates. For successful advertisement, a company needs to address two issues: the media and the ads construction. The selection of best medium depends on the types of positions a company is recruiting. OBJECTIVES OF ADVERTISEMENT Attract attention An advertisement should be attractive enough to gain an attention of a potential candidate Create and maintain interest The information of an ad is to be communicated in an attractive way about the job, the organization, qualifications and the terms and conditions of employment. Stimulate action An advertisement should be conveyed in such a way that it not only attracts candidates but encourage them to read at the end and apply. ANALYSE THE JOB REQUIREMENT Its necessary for a company to establish that how many jobs to be filled and when. Then comes the job description and person specification for qualification and experience. The next step is to consider where suitable candidates are likely to come from and the companies, jobs or educational establishments they are in. Finally the pay and the benefits of the company are clearly shown in an advertisement. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES AS A SOURCE OF CANDIDATES There are three basic types of employment agencies THOSE OPERATED BY FEDERAL OR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS These agencies are on the rise these days. These agencies fill up the jobs, counsellors visit the work site. Review the job requirements and help the employer to write job description. THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION Most societies have units which help their members in finding a suitable job. Public welfare agencies place the people who are disabled and war veterans. PRIVATE OWNED AGENCIES These agencies charge to every applicant for the application they place. These agencies are the sources of managerial personnel, clerical and white collar. RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS Recruitment consultants advertise, interview and shortlist. STEPS FOR CHOOSING RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT Check its reputation with others Check the advertisements of other companies in order to know the consultancy Meet the consultant who is working on the assignment Compare its fee with other recruitment consultants USING RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS It is necessary to Brief them the terms and conditions of the company Give them assistance in job defining Clarify arrangements for interviewing and short- listing Clarify the fee and expenses structure Make sure the arrangements made are directly dealing with the consultant USING EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS These are also known as head hunter. These consultants are for senior jobs and direct the limited number of people to specific jobs. They are bit expensive consultants .These consultants have their own contacts and have researchers who identify specific people for a specific job. The consultant forwards the shortlist of candidates with full report to the client when a number of potential candidates have been assembled. CHOOSING AN ADVERTISING COMPANY Following steps should be taken while choosing an advertising company Experience in handling recruitment advertising Services provided to the clients Fee structure Staff meeting who are working on advertisement Discuss methods of working RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENT A recruitment advertisement should start with a compelling headline and then it covers the areas like the organization, the job, qualification and experience, terms and conditions of job, the location and the action to be taken. The headline should be a job title and in bold letters. For attracting customers, quote the salary in an attractive way. The name of the company should be given. Create interest in the job and convey the essential features of the job by giving a brief description of the duties of a job holder. The qualification and experience should be stated. This will vary from candidate to candidate. Pay scale and the job requirements will give them the enough information about the experience required. Final section of the advertisement is how a candidate can apply for a job? Candidates would be appreciated if they apply in writing, or have a telephonic conversation or may be called for an informal chat at some suitable place. SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975 According to this law it is unlawful to discriminate by favouring sex in advertisement. Sexiest job titles should be avoided. There are certain jobs which are unisex and are non discriminatory. TYPE OF ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED/ RUN- ON- they are cheap and suitable for routine jobs. In this a copy is run on, having no white space in or around the advertisement and no paragraph spacing. CLASSIFIED/SEMI-DISPLAY-it is much more effective and is fairly cheap. The h

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Comparative Study: Quality of Life in Rural and Urban Communities Essay

Happiness, life satisfaction, and subjective well-being are closely connected to quality of life. Accordingly, quality of life is defined based on different approaches. It can depend if the approach is objective or subjective or if the approach is negative or positive. It can also be defined according to its use, either in academic writing or everyday life. Thus, quality of life has no exact or universal definition (Susniene & Jurkauskas, 2009). Quality of Life (QoL) is usually referred to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) (1997) as the â€Å"individuals’ perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards, and concerns† and â€Å"a broad ranging concept extended in a complex way by the person’s physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs, and the relationship to salient features of their environment. † The Dictionary of Human Geography 5th Edition (2009) defines that quality of life has the following dimensions: income, wealth and employment, built environment, physical and mental health, education, social disorganization, social belonging, and recreation and leisure. Quality of life is a broad multidimensional concept that also includes subjective evaluation and perception. It is defined in different ways in varying disciplines by individuals or groups. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2013), the quality of life in the Philippines ranked 114th out of the 187 countries in year 2012. It is unchanged for two consecutive years from year 2011. The Philippines’ HDI was lower than Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore but higher than Indonesia and Vietnam. UNDP uses the Human Development Index (HDI) to measure quality of life with three dimensions specifically health, education, and income. Looking at where the Philippines ranked in comparison with the quality of life of other countries, it seems that the country is falling behind. It is quite interesting then to determine the QoL in the local perspective specifically in Batangas City. Unexpectedly, Batangas City, which is where the study was conducted, commits itself in improving quality of life of its citizen, and it is stated in their mission: â€Å"To improve the quality of life of the citizen through sustained efforts to attain a balance agro-industrial development; to generate more employment opportunities and adequately provide the basic infrastructure utilities, facilities and social services necessary for a robust community. † Thus, the mission reflects how the local government of Batangas City values the quality of life of their contemporaries. This study can provide assessment of QoL in terms of the four indicators of the study and can project the effect of the government’s effort in uplifting the life of the people. In the researchers’ search for related literatures and studies, they have found out that this inquiry about Batanguenos’ quality of life is the first of its kind in the locality. The government does not have any available research studies in the past tackling about QoL or any direct means of measuring it. Hence, this undertaking is a stepping stone in closely monitoring improvement in the people’s way of life. This study will benefit the local government, future researchers, academic institutions, and, above all, the residents of Batangas City. The researchers embarked in this study to provide a comparative assessment on the quality of life between rural and urban communities in Batangas City as well as to look at the perception of residents about satisfaction in life with regard to certain indicators. Since each individual innately pursue happiness and life satisfaction that constituted in obtaining QoL, the interest of the researchers were aroused. The researchers aimed to provide a thorough examination on people’s QoL for both rural and urban communities on the basis of the four indicators of the study. Moreover, they also wanted to compare and contrast the QoL of respondents in terms of their profile to find association in it. Being the first study about quality of life in the province of Batangas and the latest assessment of living condition in the country for years, this study wished to contribute in enhancing the Filipino lives and to serve its purpose as an instrument in promoting good life for each and every citizen of the Philippines. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to know the quality of life in rural and urban barangays of Batangas City to provide a comparative examination of life among people living in two different communities. More specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of: 1. 1 sex; 1. 2 age; 1. 3 civil status; 1. 4 educational attainment; and 1. 5 type of community? 2. How can quality of life of respondents be assessed in terms of: 2. 1 built environment; 2. 2 physical and mental health; 2. 3 social belonging; and 2. 4 recreation and leisure? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of respondents and their quality of life? 4. Is there a significant difference in the quality of life between rural and urban communities? 5. What activity can be proposed to promote the quality of life of Batangas City residents? Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study This study focused on the comparative assessment of rural and urban quality of life in Batangas City. Specifically, the study was designed to measure QoL in terms of the four indicators of the study namely built environment, physical and mental health, social belonging, and recreation and leisure. The study identified the association between the profile of respondents and their QoL. The profile variables included sex, age, civil status, educational attainment, and type of community. Moreover, this study would provide a comparative examination of QoL in rural and urban communities in Batangas City. Respondents of the study came from the first five locations in Batangas City determined in terms of population. The first five barangays with the highest population in rural and urban communities served as the research environment of the study. Rural communities comprised of Balete, Tingga Labac, Tabangao Ambulong, San Jose Sico, and Sampaga while urban communities included Sta. Rita Karsada, Poblacion, Alangilan, Bolbok, and Cuta. The study was conducted from April 2013 to October 2013. This study did not seek to include other locations in Batangas City which were not mentioned above. This study did not cover the whole situation of the province of Batangas or other cities and municipalities therein in terms of quality of life. Factors such as income, wealth and employment, education, and social disorganization were not measured in this study. Significance of the Study This comparative study on the quality of life of rural and urban communities aims to provide awareness on the QoL between rural and urban barangays in Batangas City. It also seeks to provide awareness on the present condition of the life of the people of Batangas to better understand the things that need to be improved and developed. This study will benefit researchers, students, the academe, and the community. This study would pave the way for the possibility of determining and closely investigating certain indicators of quality of life in both rural and urban communities. It would also generate information on how the profile of respondents relates to QoL. More specifically, this study would be of significant use to the following: To the people of Batangas, this undertaking is a reflection of the most recent real life situation of the people of Batangas City that exposes the life they have today. This would help them better understand the living conditions they have and how to improve or enhance it. To local government officials and offices, this study would serve as a framework for their future projects and activities related to improving or enhancing quality of life. To the City of Batangas, this study would provide a written reflection of the present condition of the city of Batangas and the mirrored situation of the past and present. It would benefit Batangas because this study would serve as the shadow of the life the people has today. Batangas State University, this study would be a proof that Borbonians have the capability of producing quality, relevant, and scientific research study. To the College of Arts and Sciences, this study would be another accomplishment of academic excellence and would serve as an evidence of the quality education that this university can offer. This thesis would be an addition to the pool of knowledge generated in this institution. To Psychology students, this would serve as a basis for future researchers focused in the examination and analysis of life and ways to improve or enhance it. To future researchers, this study would serve as a reference for future studies about quality of life concerned with the following domains: built environment, physical and mental health, social belonging, and recreation and leisure.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Model Minority, By President Lyndon B. Johnson

The Model Minority In 1966, sociologist William Petersen used the term â€Å"model minority† to describe Japanese Americans and praised them for living â€Å"generally affluent and, for the most part highly Americanized lives†. The â€Å"model minority† label expanded to describe all Asian Americans for having a perceived higher socioeconomic level and higher education. In fact, the average Asian American household, when compared with all American adults, have a median income that actually exceeds the average American household by $16,200 and are 21% more likely to have a college degree, according to Pew Research Center. Asian culture and traits are often accredited to this success. It would seem that Asian Americans are disproportionately more†¦show more content†¦The Immigration and Nationality Act, ended nationality based quotas and opened up immigration to Asians, after the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and the Immigration Act of 1924 which targeted the Japanese. The 1929 immigration quotas allowed for a total of 150,000 immigrants, and designated none of the available slots to Chinese people (Migration Policy Institute). The destruction of ethnically based immigration selection had an immediate response, quickly repainting the portrait of America. While European immigration fell 38 percent from the 1950s to the 1970s, Asian immigration surged from just 6 percent to 35 percent. The population of Asians in America continues to grow, and while the discussion around immigrants largely focuses around Hispanics, Asians represent 40% of all foreign born citizens in 2008, rising from just 27% in 2005 (Malik). Progress in America is best measured by the improvement of the lives of our citizens and our ability to upkeep our democratic ideals. By increasing the availability of opportunities to minorities who previously did not have access to these opportunities, we expand equality and build a stronger democracy. The Civil Rights Act expa nded opportunity, therefore creating progress. However, as the Black Lives Matter Movement began, it ushered in a new wave of fighting for civil rights, and allowed for conversations

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Antenna Gate Apples Loss of Signals - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1808 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? Antenna Gate: Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Loss of Signals Contents Introduction Background The Communication problem Action Plan Short term and long term solution Summary: Bibliography Antenna Gate: Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Loss of Signal Introduction Steve Jobs ought to have been lounging in his late triumph. With the days profoundly foreseen arrival of the iPhone 4, Apple had taken huge strides send in shrewd -telephone innovation on June 24 2010. In view of preorder information, Apple was hoping to offer very nearly two million telephones in the initial couple of days. Assuming that Merrill Lynchs expectation in March was right, in excess of 55 million phones might be sold worldwide by the end of the year since the first pillionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s discharge almost three years prior. These bargains not just gave Apple a clean benefit through fittings, additionally through the profoundly lucrative selective administration contract with ATT. for which Apple gains a liberal cut, and expanded business to the iTunes App Store, of which Apple appropriates 30% sovereignty. This case gathers the Antenna Gate and correspondence and communication issue for the Apple iPhone 4. There is much speculation on this issue and the sincerity of the matter. The moment that the phone is solidly held in your grip, dependent upon how you hold the phone; it at last loses marker and drops calls. This simply happens when your hand is hiding a certain spot, the spot being the little opening between two external gathering devices on the outside edge of the new iPhone. The problem of communication to the customers due to delay in press release was badly handled by Apple. As it needed to acknowledge the problem, do not be defensive, be in the place of the customer and consider the customer more important than the technology. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Antenna Gate: Apples Loss of Signals" essay for you Create order Background Apples great bargains had come in spite of new contenders copying the creative characteristics incorporated with the iPhone that at first made the item so famous. Items, for example, the Motorola Droid had been met with incredible excitement, and had the backing of Google to prepare streamlined programming to advance Internet and versatile application execution. It was consoling to see that deals had remained solid, in no little part because of Apples eager supporters (Marioni, 2010). Notwithstanding this triumph, Jobs had motivation to be wary: Several clients had effectively whined of gathering issues because of the telephones new radio signals design, and a portion of the forte web journals had started to pay heed. Customers reported that the telephone might lose its sign if held in a certain manner. Employments realized that this could emit into an immense issue and that something required to be carried out. Signal issues are surely not another sensation in terms of phones. Coating practically any telephones interior receiving signals is sure to cause some sign misfortune, as illustrated by Dr. Richard Gaywood, a remote system arranging master from Cardiff University. In his analysis of the iPhone 4, then again, he clarifies that such indicate constriction (or misfortune of indicator) is far more awful for Apples new gadget, especially when the approaching sign is frail. / Just as holding an AM/FM radio reception apparatus with your uncovered hand will result in the sound quality to drop, holding the stainless steel receiving signals on an iPhone 4 with your exposed hand will result in the call quality to drop, as the conductive nature of human skin regularly causes obstruction (Kralik, 2010). This issue is intensified further when exposed skin blankets the dark crevice between the reception apparatuses on the phoneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s band, as it causes a sort of short out that prompts fundamentally decreased call quality. A well-known hypothesis fo r how this issue may have become lost despite a general sense of vigilance is that Apple workers who were trying the iPhone needed to utilize it as a part of a plastic case to camouflage it as an iphone3g. Since they were not field-testing the iPhone 4 with their uncovered hands, they might not have encountered the constriction issue. The Communication problem Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication to the customers was a real disappointment due to delay in the press release. Apple could not communicate effectively with its customers regarding the signal dropping and reception issues faced by them. Apple could not handle the situation in fact handling of the problem with the customers was a big problem than the original problem itself, because it was the reason of all the disturbances. When many customers were looking for personal help, Apple responded to a very small number of customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ calls regarding the reception issue. Apple took the customers very lightly. Apple said the various Savvy makers items had comparable issues and that this is an issue with all advanced cells not only the iPhone (Costello). Apple provided less accurate information without proper context which might lead to misleading the customers. Apple responded very slowly to the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issues in the iPhone. One thing that an org anization would not like to do is disregard the issue, which is precisely what Apple finished from the get go expressions of the issue. The organization was pointedly censured by the media for, not acting rapidly enough to review or help their clients issues. Apple considered the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issue very roughly because fromthe Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view the antenna issue is very minute problem. Apple did not fully acknowledge the problem as Job said only a few customers complained about the reception issue. Apple got defensive while considering the customers communication problems. Customers were not given importance rather technology was considered important (Kralik, 2010). Action Plan There is a need to acknowledge the problem faced by the customers regarding the reception and the dropping of the signal in iPhone 4. Apple should not be defensive while tackling the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issue regarding the signal failure. Apple should be empathetic. It should put itself in the place of the customers. Apple should treat the customers at priority bases than the technology because it is all about the customers not about the technology. Apple should be aware of the key shareholders. What does the Apple owes to its customers? What channel should be selected to address the concerns of the customers regarding the communication problem? How to react to the communication issue? Short term and long term solution As we are concerned with the communication problems to the customers due to delay in the press release, so the first solution of this problem is to give importance to the customer more than the technology. Apple should acknowledge the problem faced by the customers regarding the reception and the dropping of the signal in iPhone 4. Apple should not be defensive while tackling the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issue regarding the signal failure. When customers are seeking help regarding the reception issue Apple should provide them better assistance and help them solve their problem. Apple should be empathetic. It should put itself in the place of the customers. Apple should think as the customers think. Apple should treat the problem of the customers as their own problem. Apple should avoid being defensive as it will hurt the feeling of the customer regarding a particular brand such as Apple. Apples should be aware of all the channels through which it can communicate with the custome rs without any hindrance. Apple should know how to react to the communication issues. Apple should recall the phone instead giving the bumper case or it should provide the bug free phone to its customers (CHEN). Summary: With the days profoundly foreseen arrival of the iPhone 4, Apple had taken huge strides send in shrewd -telephone innovation on June 24 2010. Apples great bargains had come in spite of new contenders copying the creative characteristics incorporated with the iPhone that at first made the item so famous. It was consoling to see that deals had remained solid, in no little part because of Apples eager supporters (Marioni, 2010). Customers reported that the telephone might lose its sign if held in a certain manner. Signal issues are surely not another sensation in terms of phones. / Just as holding an AM/FM radio reception apparatus with your uncovered hand will result in the sound quality to drop, holding the stainless steel receiving signals on an iPhone 4 with your exposed hand will result in the call quality to drop, as the conductive nature of human skin regularly causes obstruction (Kralik, 2010). Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication to the customers was a real disappoint ment due to delay in the press release. Apple could not communicate effectively with its customers regarding the signal dropping and reception issues faced by them. Apple could not handle the situation in fact handling of the problem with the customers was a big problem than the original problem itself, because it was the reason of all the disturbances. When many customers were looking for personal help, Apple responded to a very small number of customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ calls regarding the reception issue. Apple took the customers very lightly. Apple said the various Savvy makers items had comparable issues and that this is an issue with all advanced cells not only the iPhone. Apple provided less accurate information without proper context which might lead to misleading the customers. Apple responded very slowly to the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issues in the iPhone. One thing that an organization would not like to do is disregard the issue, which is precisely what Apple fini shed from the get go expressions of the issue. Apple considered the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issue very roughly because fromthe Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view the antenna issue is very minute problem. Apple did not fully acknowledge the problem as Job said only a few customers complained about the reception issue. Apple got defensive while considering the customers communication problems. Apple should acknowledge the problem faced by the customers regarding the reception and the dropping of the signal in iPhone 4. Apple should not be defensive while tackling the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s issue regarding the signal failure. When customers are seeking help regarding the reception issue Apple should provide them better assistance and help them solve their problem. Apple should be empathetic. Apple should think as the customers think. Apple should treat the problem of the customers as their own problem. Apple should avoid being defensive as it will hurt the feeling of the c ustomer regarding a particular brand such as Apple. Bibliography CHEN, B. X. (n.d.). Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Answer to Antennagate: Free iPhone 4 Cases. Retrieved from wired: Costello, S. (n.d.). The iPhone 4 Antenna Problems Explained and Fixed. Retrieved from ipod.about: Kralik, D. ( 2010, JULY 31). What Startups Can Learn from Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Antennagate. Retrieved from gigaom: Marioni, S. J. ( 2010, August 18). Do You Still Trust Apple? A Look Back at Antennagate for PR Lessons in Ineffective Crisis Communications. Retrieved from bulldogreporter: